Cape Cod PATH (People Against Trafficking Humans) is a grass-roots task force working to end human trafficking (HT) and its risks in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Our mission is to eliminate human trafficking on Cape Cod by raising awareness through education, outreach and collaboration.
Inspired by the film screening of Hidden in Plain Sight in January 2014, a group of concerned citizen volunteers came together to do something about HT and immediately decided to form a task force. They conducted a search to determine if there were any statistics or resources about HT on Cape Cod, and found there were no statistics and only one organization equipped to help victims cope with their trauma. Knowing there are an estimated tens of thousands of people who are trafficked within the U.S. and millions more trafficked globally, we compiled our own statistics by aligning the risk factors associated with HT nationally with demographic data about the local community to determine the levels of risk on Cape Cod.
Our strategic, local solutions are informed by this evidence-based assessment and designed for multi-disciplinary collaboration with community partners. From the beginning, our members have had a strong working relationship with a Victim Assistance Specialist in the Department of Homeland Security Investigations, and we are in the process of developing partnerships with local organizations.
We also continue to grow as an organization. This is thanks to the commitment and talent of our members and a concerned, engaged community.
Cape Cod PATH is a project of the Cape Cod Foundation.

What we’re doing
Think it’s not happening on Cape Cod?
Read the local news reports.
Our task force speaks at various community organizations:
Hyannis Rotary Club
Cape Cod THRIVE Conference
Nauset Middle School
Osterville Public Library-Spring Event movie and speakers
Upper Cape Alternative Gift Market – Falmouth, MA
Barnstable Alternative Gift Market
Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Hyannis
Provided presentation for HAC
- PATH has held Candlelight Vigils for Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January, in Hyannis, MA
- Cape Cod PATH in conjunction with Homeland Security, provided Human Trafficking Training
- Testified on behalf of Cape Cod PATH at a hearing for the MA State Advisory Committee to US Commission on Civil Rights at the State House in Boston, focusing on human labor trafficking in Massachusetts