Wondering how you can get involved?

Imagine a world in which everyone feels safe and at peace, where every parent and child, every friend and foe, every customer and business owner, every citizen and policymaker demonstrates kindness to one another. We at Cape Cod PATH aim to bring us closer to this vision by addressing the exploitation of our fellow human beings.

10 things you can do to stop human trafficking

    1. Learn to recognize the signs of human trafficking.
    2. Raise awareness by talking to others.
    3. Like us on Facebook. Help us spread the word
    4. Join our mailing list.
    5. Invite us to speak to your group.
    6. Organize a Resource Bag drive.
    7. Write a letter to the editor.
    8. Advocate by writing to your legislators.
    9. Donate
    10. Join Cape Cod PATH
Care bags for victims of human trafficking

Resource Care Bags for trafficking survivors

Cape Cod PATH is collecting resource care bags

The typical trafficking victim is a girl age 14-17, though boys and transgender youth are also vulnerable.
Because survivors of sex or labor trafficking are often homeless and arrive at a safe house or human service agency with only the clothes on their back, Cape Cod PATH is collecting care bags that can help their recovery begin.


When you have items or a full Backpack, please email info.capecodpath@gmail.com.

Here’s a list of the new, unused items needed for each care bag:

  • Shampoo with Conditioner (one bottle, with both shampoo and conditioner combined)
  • Q-tips
  • Hair elastics
  • 3 tubes of Lip balm
  • Bar of Soap
  • Sanitary napkins or tampons
  • Individual packs of wet wipes
  • 3 oz Lotion
  • Little packets of tissues
  • Deodorant
  • Brush or comb
  • 3 pairs of Underwear
  • 3 pairs of Socks
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • T-shirt long sleeve
  • Sweat pants
  • 1 small plastic spray bottle
  • 1 large backpack (approximately 15 inches)

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