Care bags for victims of human trafficking

Cape Cod PATH is collecting care bags

The typical trafficking victim is a girl age 14-17, though boys and transgender youth are also vulnerable.

Because survivors of sex or labor trafficking are often homeless and arrive at a safe house or human service agency with only the clothes on their back, Cape Cod PATH is collecting care bags that can help their recovery begin. If you would like to donate a care bag, please bring it to Barnstable Police Headquarters, 1200 Phinney’s Lane, Hyannis, attention Officer Katie Parache.

Here’s a list of the new, unused items needed for each care bag: toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, soap, hair brush, 3 pairs underwear, 3 pairs socks, pair sweat pants, package baby wipes, hair elastics, chapstick, water bottle, notepad, 2 pens, stuffed animal, note of encouragement.