Cape Cod PATH (People Against the Trafficking of Humans) is the recipient of the 2019 Cornerstone Award for supporting human rights.
Cape Cod Times, Monday, December 9th
Commission names human rights award recipients
BARNSTABLE — The Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission has awarded the Rosenthal Community Champion Award to the Barnstable Community Innovation School.
The award recognizes the work the school staff and principal Cathy Hamilton-Milne have done to create an environment that embraces students and families from different cultural backgrounds and helps families — including those who have fled fear and violence — adjust to life on Cape Cod.
The award, named after Irving Leopold Rosenthal, is given to those in the public sector who foster and support human rights concepts and ideals and work to eliminate discrimination.
In addition, the advisory commission announced Cape Cod PATH (People Against the Trafficking of Humans) as the recipient of the Cornerstone Award for supporting human rights.
Trafficking involving forced labor affects immigrants, sexually exploited children and involuntary domestic workers. Cape Cod PATH members have delivered resource bags for trafficking survivors and raised awareness to the issue by distributing flyers and offering staff training at hotels.
The advisory commission also will award Rev. Brenda L. Haywood, community minister and pastor of the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown, with the Tim McCarthy Human Rights Champion Award. Haywood, founder of Racial Justice Provincetown, is being recognized for teaching children about race, peace and self-empowerment. Compiled by Cynthia McCormick. Send news about your school, scholarship opportunities or education in general to news@capecodonline.com.